Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Abigail's 1st Birthday!!

Birthday Girl!

The last couple of days have been pretty busy celebrating Abigail's 1st birthday. On Thursday, her birthday, we celebrated by going to Red Robin for dinner. She had lots of firsts there. Abigail got milk, French fries, and an ice cream sundae for the first time. All of which she absolutely loved. 
1st Ice Cream Sunday at Red Robin

 Then on Friday we went to her 1 year Doctor's appointment. All in all it went well, but she is still not gaining weight well. The minimum they should gain in a month is 7 oz. Abigail weighed in at 16lbs 6.5 oz having gained only 5 oz in a month. The doctor wasn't too concerned since she has chubby arms and legs and a round belly. We will go back in a month for another weight check. Other than the weight she is doing excellent and hitting all her milestones. 
 Since Abigail seemed to like the milk at Red Robin we decided to fully ween her and go straight to milk. So, starting yesterday she no longer nurses. Unfortunately Abigail is proving to be the hardest yet to ween. Davey was easy, he was ready to go to the bottle before I was. Cassia was a little more difficult and held out for 24 hours hoping to be nursed, but finally ate from the bottle and was fine from then on. We are going on day 2 now with Abigail and it is still very difficult. You can tell she is hungry and cries when she sees me. We have gotten her to drink a little from the bottle, but only when she is fully asleep and no where near the amount of milk she should be drinking. We would greatly appreciate your prayers with this. Abigail is a stubborn little girl that wants things only her way, and it worries me so much to have her not eat when she is already struggling with her weight gain. 
Don't let the picture fool you. Abigail likes chewing on the bottle, but the minute you tip it up or she gets milk she pushes it away.

 On a happier note, Grandma and Papa were able to come out for the weekend to celebrate Abigail's Birthday. So, yesterday (Saturday) we went out to this huge park downtown for cake and presents. Abigail enjoyed opening the presents with the help from Davey and Cassia. She liked eating the frosting from her cake, but it seemed like she enjoyed feeding Cassia more. But it worked out because Cassia enjoyed feeding Abigail. We then ended our time riding the train that went around the park.
Thanks Aunt Janine for the box! It was almost more fun than the presents.

The girls calmly fed each other frosting. 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Our Routine

 We have had a pretty normal week this week. We have had some cold weather so we stayed indoors most of the week. I thought it would be neat to share our routine.
 Our typical morning starts with waking up between 7 and 7:30. Eat breakfast, which Abigail has been loving eating cheerios. I have tried giving her some eggs every morning. She picks it up and plays with it then puts it back down to eat her cheerios. On Wednesday morning she was holding her egg out and Daisy was right there to eat what fell on the ground. I was watching to see if Abby was going to eat the eggs, but Daisy got to it first. Not sure if she licked it or just smelled it. But, Abigail quickly took the egg away from Daisy and put it straight into her mouth before I could take it from her. She then proceeded to eat the rest of the eggs on her tray. I guess seeing how much Daisy wanted the eggs made her realize how good they are. Even though Abigail probably got some dog slobber on the first bite of eggs I am glad she is starting to enjoy them.

 After breakfast we go straight to doing our chores. For Davey and Cassia they are cleaning their rooms, making their beds, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, and feeding Daisy. Then they help mommy pick up all the toys on the ground around the house. For every chore they do they get a penny. We are all looking forward to using our pennies to buy ice cream cones at McDonalds later today.
 Davey and Cassia's new joy is getting dressed alike. They talk together to figure out which shirt they are going to wear and which shirt the other has that matches. They can both be fairly bossy, but neither of them gets upset with the other over their clothes because they both like matching.

 We also take a bath every other day. Now that Abigail is sitting up well and can hold her own, they all take a bath together. Abby loves bath time and loves getting to play with brother and sister in the bath. They each have their own hooded bath towel that they love. They are too cute in them, but Davey and Cassia are quickly getting too big for their towels. Luckily Great Gran Dunham made them hooded towels for Christmas that they enjoy and rotate through with their animal towels.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Crazy Weather

This has been a week of extreme changes in weather. On Sunday we enjoyed walking around at a park downtown. At 6:00pm it was 85 degrees. It was just fun to enjoy the beautiful weather all together as a family. Unfortunately Cassia took a pretty good fall and scraped up both knees and one elbow. She has been telling everyone we see and talk to on the phone about her "owies". Abigail loved crawling up the stairs and was very upset when she had to go back in the stroller.

Abigail climbed up those stairs over and over.

Our one shot at a family picture and it actually turned out. Abigail was loosing it cause she wanted to keep crawling and Cassia is holding her dress up because she doesn't want it to touch her scraped knees.

 On Tuesday we had a high of 20 degrees. And last night we finally got SNOW! The kids have loved that we have had Daisy inside all week due to the cold weather. It has been neat to see how much she has mellowed and to enjoy her without her jumping on us from excitement. Abigail is not a fan of Daisy's full face kisses, but enjoys watching her from a safe distance.
Daisy just laid there while the kids sat on her and snuggled with her. What a good puppy.

 This morning we woke up to about a full inch of snow :) and everything just shut down. Because no one knows what to do with snow here everyone was advised to not drive. So, Dave got to stay home, which the kids loved and kept asking if Daddy is going to stay home forever!
Our little bit of snow left at the end of the day. Of course Dave and the kids had a snowball fight with this little bit of snow. All instigated by Daddy, of course!