Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Breakfast time!
All the kids like to sit on the counter while I make breakfast,  or anytime I am cooking. It is fun, but Davey sure is getting heavy to lift up there.
So much has happened in the last few weeks since I wrote last. Be warned, this is a long post.
  We have enjoyed 3 different birthday celebrations. We finally made it to the zoo to celebrate Abigail's birthday. She had a blast seeing all the different animals and loved playing on the playground in the zoo.
Peeking out of the Tepee exhibit by the 

Those are rhinos behind us. Just reminded me of Aunt Danielle, Little Rhino.

My 3 monkeys sitting on a monkey.

Sorry the pic is blurry. Abigail love these squares. They are chimes that ring when you jump on them. We had lots of tears when we had to move on.
Next up was Cassia's birthday, which ended up being celebrated over a few days. We made a princess cake to share with our home Bible study group on Wednesday.
Our princess cake we named Princess Cassia
Then on Thursday, her actual birthday, we had breakfast with Daddy and went out to Chick-Fil-A for dinner and dessert. Unfortunately, we weren't able to open presents since our power went out and oddly she said she wanted to wait until the next day for presents because she was tired and it was past her bedtime. Not sure where that came from, but I am all for encouraging bedtime! The next evening she enjoyed opening her presents and playing with them. Abigail is still struggling with thinking every present is for her and had a few quarrels over opening the gifts. Saturday, Cassia and I went out to breakfast just the two of us and bought a dress for her to wear to tea that afternoon. We drove out to a quaint little town about 30 min north and had lunch at a tea house. We all dressed up and the girls put on every piece of play jewelry they could. Davey was all excited to get hot chocolate and before we could stop him he had a mouthfull of burning hot Cocoa, but all was made better with a cup full of marshmallows.
Princess Cassia at the tea house
Princess Abigail with the menu
The family out for tea
With birthdays come Dr.s appointments, all with good reports. Abigail, for the first time ever is on the growth chart!! She is in the 10th percentile for weight, at 23 pounds. Cassia weighed in at 30lbs in the 20th percentile. Boaz also had his 4 month appointment weighing in at 14lbs 12oz in the 50th percentile. However, he is in the 90th percentile for his head size, which I am sure is a direct correlation to how smart he is.
Not sure if Boaz is teething, but he really enjoys playing with his tongue.
The big news for Davey is that we registered him for Kindergarten! Luckily a friend of mine told me about Kindergarten registration about a week before it happened since I wasn't expecting it until closer to summer. I dropped the girls and Boaz off at the YMCA so Davey and I could go just the two of us. We got him signed up and then they gave us a tour of the school. Davey was so excited to see the school and we even saw two friends from church there as well. Needless to say Davey can't wait for the school year to start, but my stomach is still in knots just thinking about Davey being away from me for the full school day. It is a big change that I don't think I can fully prepare my heart for, but is exciting to start this next stage in Davey's life.
Davey climbed the tree all by himself. He is getting so big and loves to climb everything.
This past weekend we celebrated Dave's 30th birthday by going camping and 4 wheeling. It was beautiful weather and a great time 4wheeling. Unfortunately the Jimmy broke on the 1st ride, but we still enjoyed wheeling in a friend's Wagoneer that Dave and him just spend countless hours lifting. All worth it for the day of wheeling fun. We are looking forward to getting the Jimmy running again soon so we can go on another camping trip before the weather gets too hot.
Wheeling puts Boaz right to sleep.
Our little troublemaker has a little mischievous glean in her eye.
My Favorite picture ever of Dave and Boaz!
 Just today Boaz is finally starting to roll over. A couple of weeks ago he actually rolled over from his back to his tummy. He ended up getting his pacifier smashed into his eye at the end of the roll. It was very traumatic for him and he hasn't been able to roll over since. This week he has been really trying, but not able to get over his shoulder. Today during tummy time he just flopped right over from his tummy to his back. He has now done it a few times all from his tummy to his back.
Getting ready...

Almost there...
Rolled Over, YEAH!!