Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's A Boy!

Baby #4
Well, to start off with the exciting news. It's a healthy boy!! We had our 20 week ultra sound today. At first he was not cooperating with getting good pictures. He was curled up in a corner and I was afraid we weren't going to be able to find out the baby's gender. But, he turned and it is definite he is a boy. Davey was just beaming when the technician said its a boy. Cassia started crying that she really wanted a girl. Once we talked that the boy is still going to be baby and she can hold him when he comes out of mommy's belly; she was much happier.
Proud Davey for writing his name.
 We finally started getting back to doing "school" again. Davey is doing great and is able to not only verbally spell his name, but also write it all by himself with no help. Abigail has really started enjoying reading books. She gets a favorite and wants that one book read to her over and over. Right now her favorite is Old MacDonald Had A Farm. Luckily the kids picked up on the song quickly and likes to "read" the book to her. Abigail calls the book "E I E I O". She doesn't say many words, but that is very clear.
Davey reading "Old MacDonald" to Abigail.

Cassia reading "Old MacDonald" to Abigail.
 Abigail had a weight check yesterday. I was very excited for it because she has been eating a ton and seeming heavier. She did gain weight, but not as much as she should. Her last weight was 18lbs 2oz and she is now 18lbs 8oz. Right now she isn't sustaining her growth curve. The Dr. didn't seem too worried about it. He is just encouraging us to try to get her to drink more milk. We had weaned out the carnation instant breakfast that we had in her milk to make it sweet for her to drink milk. So to get her drinking more we have increased the amount of instant breakfast. It seems to be helping. She is slowly drinking more milk each day. I am doing my best to not worry. I know God has made Abigail unique. As we have struggled with her weight gain her whole life it becomes more and more apparent that she doesn't fit the standard and that is ok.
Sweet Abigail always has to have her necklaces on. More is always better!
 We have also been counting down the days till we fly to Santa Barbara for our annual 4th of July camping trip. We are flying out Saturday and can not wait to see family and enjoy beautiful Santa Barbara weather especially after our countless days of over 100 degree weather. I wont be posting next week since we will be camping, but I'm sure I will have lots of photos to share when we get back.
Kiddos having fun ridding their bikes. 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Pool and Play Time

 I am sorry for not posting last week. We have had a brutal past two weeks with sickness. Poor Cassia came down with mouth sores last week, which we have recently found out was most likely from a stomach bug that is going around. For 2 days she was barely able to eat or drink anything because it was too painful. For someone who eats constantly it was really rough. During this time I was extremely nauseous. By the end of the week I was afraid it was just the pregnancy since it still wasn't letting up, and I was fearful I would have to endure feeling sick for the next 20 weeks. But praise the Lord we are all better and back to normal. We have spent most of this week catching up on all the chores around the house so I don't have too many pictures to share.
Sweet Girls snuggled up after swimming.

Davey showing off his new kick board.
 A couple Sundays ago we enjoyed the hot hot weather by going to the pool. Davey is really taking to the water and I am starting to teach him the basics for swimming. My hope is that we will go fairly often so he can learn to swim by the end of the summer. We got Davey a kick board and he can kick across the pool all by himself. Every now and then he will lose his balance and roll, but hasn't been scared by it. Cassia enjoys playing in the kiddie pool, but still gets pretty scared being in the big pool. Abigail also loves the kiddie pool, but takes a little bit to get used to it.

Daddy tickling all kiddos at the same time. That is talent!
Davey likes to get in on the rough housing and tackle Daddy.
 The kids look forward to Dave getting home every night and love playing with him before bedtime. This particular night Dave had to work late and missed dinner with the kids. So the kids stayed up for Daddy and enjoyed a quick time of rough housing before going to bed, even though it was after bedtime.
 Our big event for next week is I have my 20 week ultrasound scheduled for Thursday and as long as baby cooperates we will be finding out the gender of the baby! I will be sure to post so you all can join in our excitement.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Memorial Weekend

Boys getting the Jimmy ready for some Wheelin Fun!
For Memorial weekend we ended up having a boys weekend and and girls weekend. Davey and Dave went 4wheeling and camping with 2 of Dave's friends from work. Davey is still telling me stories from their adventures. The one he tells me the most is how he and Daddy went for a walk before the other guys were awake and saw 2 snakes! Davey also "secretly" told me that they had cinnamon rolls for breakfast and ate chili right out of the pot.
Not sure if you can see the nails. One had is blue the other green. One foot is pink and the other yellow. 
 Our girls weekend wasn't quite as exciting. Abigail came down with a stomach bug Saturday evening so we had to stay home all Sunday while she got better. Poor Abby slept most of the day Sunday so Cassia and I had some girl time. We painted our fingernails and toenails. Cassia chose the colors and where they went. She picked orange for my hands:) Then I gave Cassia her first haircut ever. After 3 years of growing the ends were getting pretty damaged and her hair was getting a little frizzy. I don't know if you can tell in the pictures, but it is shorter. I am just happy it isn't all crooked. Cassia has seen brother get many haircuts and was happy to finally get her's done. She just told me yesterday that her hair is getting longer and she needs another haircut.

 On Monday Abigail was doing much better and Cassia felt we needed to go to tea. Since the boys were having special time she wanted special time too. We tried going to this cute coffee/tea shop, but it was closed due to the holiday so we ended up just going to the mall and getting Starbucks. She didn't want the milkshake type drink she insisted on tea. Luckily she agreed to ice tea since it was 98 degrees outside.
Cassia dancing with her tea.

Just had to put this one of Abigail  wanting to sweep. What a big helper!