Family Picture

Family Picture

Friday, August 16, 2013

Elah Grace Dunham

 Well, it has been a little over 6 weeks since the birth of our little girl. Elah Grace Dunham was born on July 2nd. She weighed 8lbs 8oz and was 20 inches long. Elah and Abigail are tied for our heaviest baby and Elah is also our shortest baby. The birth went smoothly resulting in my 4th successful VBAC!
I got to hold Elah right after she was born. You can kind of see she came out pretty purple.
One of my absolute favorite feelings is that of a newborn laying on my chest.
With Elah being our heaviest and shortest she was born with the cute baby rolls!
The kids getting to meet Elah for the first time. Boaz isn't pictured because he was a little more intrigued with the buttons on my bed.
Boaz getting to hold Elah. Can you  just see he is bursting excitement? 
All the kids (and Nana and Grandpa) admiring their baby sister.
 I am so thankful for the help we got from both our parents and I know the kids had so much fun with their grandparents. My biggest fear in the hospital after having Elah was that I wouldn't get to snuggle and enjoy her as much as I did with the other kids because I would need to care for the other kids as well. But thanks to all the help from our moms I had almost a whole month to recover, rest, and snuggle with Elah! Unfortunately our visitors had to go back home to California, but we are now enjoying getting into a routine of 5 kiddos and I am loving it. Some days and nights are better than others, and even though I am a little sleep deprived I truly enjoy getting to spend all day with all my kids. They bring me so much joy!
This is what Elah and I did for the first month of her life!
 Elah is the easiest baby. She has been a great eater/nurser since she was born, and she is a wonderful sleeper. I remember with Boaz I prayed for him to be a good nurser after all the struggles we had with Abigail, but he was a horrible sleeper. He wouldn't go to bed till very late at night and would be up many times to nurse. I remember someone telling me maybe I should have prayed for him to be a good nurser and a good sleeper. So this time around I did pray for Elah to eat and sleep well, and praise God she does!
Taking a nap in the playroom while the rest of us play.
Elah at 6 weeks old is just starting to give real smiles. Dave is better at getting her to smile than I am.
 Our next challenge is going to be getting to school on time. Davey and Cassia have been counting down the days till school starts, only 10 more days. Cassia is super excited to go to kindergarten, and Davey is just as excited to start 1st grade. Last weekend we did our school shopping, next week we find out who their teachers are and get to go to their classrooms, then the following Monday is the first day of school.
Boaz helping Daddy fix the Jimmy.
Not sure if you can see, Bo has a wrench he is "using" on the lug nuts.
Boaz loved getting to see under the Jimmy.
Today I had all the kids helping me with different recipes  Davey did a great job cutting up the veggies to go with the dip he made.