Family Picture

Family Picture

Friday, March 25, 2011

Abigail, Presents, Soccer, and Baby makes 4!

Abigail loves rocking in the chair - Look at the determination!
Update on Abigail - Unfortunately her sample came back showing she does have a urinary track infection. We started antibiotics and will go in next Wednesday to give another sample. If the infection has cleared then we will be scheduling an ultra-sound to check her kidneys and also some other procedures that I didn't really understand. Talking with the Dr. it sounds like these procedures are more to check if there is a biological reason for the UTI not necessarily that the infection has done damage to her. On a happy note we had her weight check and she is up to 17lbs 8oz gaining 1lb and 7oz in two weeks! The carnation instant breakfast in whole milk is getting her those needed calories. She has started refusing pureed food and is starting to expand her likes for "real" food. Right now her favorites are blueberries, grapes, and goldfish.
Abigail now gives kisses when asked. Cassia asked and Abigail responded.
 Cassia had her birthday party last Saturday. We went to the park and had pizza and cake. She enjoyed playing on the playground with her friends. It was extremely windy so we weren't able to take any pictures. Everyone had a hand on something so things didn't blow away. She loves all her gifts. Her and Davey have been enjoying playing with them all week.
Cassia sporting her new bike helmet as they get ready to ride their bikes out back.
The girl's window doesn't have a screen. When we opened up to get some air flow Daisy took the opportunity to play catch. All kids had a great time with it.
Monday was Davey and Cassia's first day of Soccer. Cassia brought her new soccer ball and enjoyed doing the different drills with her pink ball. Since this was Davey's second time playing he was excited to show Cassia how to play. He was so confident and even made a goal.
 Many of you have already heard we no longer have 3 little blessings, but 4! I had my first appointment on Tuesday. Their test showed as well that I am pregnant. I am figuring I am about 7-8 weeks along. He didn't give me a due date because he wanted to wait till my ultrasound and see how the baby is measuring before giving me a date. I figured it will be some time mid to early November.  The nausea and tiredness has hit, which I have to remind myself is a good sign that baby is growing. Next Thursday I will have my first ultrasound with the high-risk doctor.
7 weeks ish and already it is obvious!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fun And Then Some

 Last Sunday we all enjoyed the beautiful weather and went for a family bike ride. Dave had the 2 girls in the bike trailer and Daisy was leashed to the trailer. Davey and I were on our own bikes. It went really well until we were on our way back and Davey was going down a fairly steep hill. He got going too fast and couldn't brake. He panicked, put his feet down to slow himself down and went into the grass. He did it very well and didn't even fall over, but he was terrified from being out of control. He went so slow all the way back to the car.
Davey on his bike - before the panic.
The whole family out for a Sunday afternoon bike ride.

 On Tuesday we celebrated Cassia's 3rd birthday. We are going to be having her party next weekend, but still wanted to celebrate on her birthday so we went to dinner at Red Robin. She was excited to get a balloon, be sung to, and get an ice cream sundae. Every time the waiters sang to someone else Cassia got sad and asked "When is it going to be my birthday?" I don't think she thought it was her birthday until they sang to her.
Cassia enjoying her birthday Sundae, which she happily shared with brother and sister too.
 Abigail on the other hand has had a pretty rough week. On Wednesday, Abigail had her weight check with the Dr. She has lost weight since her last appointment. The Dr. gave us some Pediasure and recommended giving her Carnation instant breakfast in whole milk. They also took a urine sample and ordered some blood work. We went straight from the Dr. to the Lab to get blood drawn. Abigail was a trooper even when they couldn't find her little veins.The rest of Wednesday we worked on drinking the Pediasure. Abigail really enjoys it. It turns out she has a very strong sweet tooth, which I am afraid she gets from me. Thursday, the Dr. called with the results, all in all it is good. Nothing shows "failure to thrive" or any issues with celiac. However, it did show that she is anemic and they also found some bacteria in her urine showing a possibility for a UTI. Friday we went in to give a clean sample and are praying for it to be clear. Otherwise the Dr said diagnosing a baby with a UTI opens up a "can of worms". She will have to do all sorts of other procedures. We would appreciate your prayers that it comes back clear.
Abigail with her two bandages from having blood drawn. They dug around on the first arm and couldn't find the vein. Had to go to the other arm.

 PS - A lot has been happening these past few weeks that I wanted to share. Hope it isn't too much info at once. I did two posts today so keep scrolling down to see more. 

All about Davey!

A lot has happened in Davey's life since I last posted. On Tuesday March 1st Davey asked God to come into his heart. The kids were in bed for the night. I was in my room trying to get Abigail to fall asleep. Dave was bringing in the groceries from Costco when Davey came out of his room. He had a huge smile on his face and told Dave that he wanted God in his heart. Dave then prayed with Davey. When they were done they came into my room and Davey was beaming as he told me he had God in his heart! Before Christmas and a few times earlier I had talked with Davey about what it meant to have God in his heart and I asked if he wanted to ask God into his heart. Davey got really scared and said he didn't want to because that would be scary to have someone in his heart (literally) and he was afraid God had already gone into his heart. We talked about how God loves him so much and wouldn't come into his heart until Davey was ready and asked Him to. I decided not to bring it up again for awhile. So when he came out and told Dave he was ready it was completely out of nowhere.  It reminds me of how real God is and how caring He is that He waits till we are ready and meets us where we are at. I am so excited for Davey and so proud of him for listening to the Holy Spirit. To see Davey smiling and beaming for his decision brought tears to my eyes. The next day he told me he wanted to tell the grandparents and later on he said he wanted to tell everyone. That night on our way to bible study Davey said he wanted to tell all of Texas. So here is a video of Davey telling everyone his good news!
At the end of the week Davey got to go to work with Dave. It has been something Dave has wanted to do for awhile and it worked out that Friday. Davey had his backpack of toys, breakfast, and snacks. He had a great morning playing at Daddy's work. A co-worker had an i-pad with games on it and Davey fully enjoyed playing "Angry Birds".
Going to work with Daddy!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The joys of weaning and Daddy

 Last week was a rough week with weaning Abigail and Dave being gone on a business trip. I apologize for not getting around to writing. My last post I mentioned that we had decided to wean Abigail. Well, Abigail is proving to be the most stubborn child for us so far. She absolutely refuses to take a bottle and has also refused milk. I was prepared for the fight and figured she would be like Cassia - go 24hrs without eating then realize she couldn't hold out to nurse, take the bottle and be good from then on. We started 2 Saturdays ago. By Wednesday Abigail had been averaging 8-9 ounces of milk a day when she should be having 24oz. So I gave the Dr. a call. Abigail wasn't having enough wet diapers (signs of dehydration) and the nurse recommended juice to get fluids in her and rehydrate her. It took all day Wednesday to try the juice, but when she did she at least continued to drink a little. We got up to enough wet diapers, but she still refused milk. We talked to the nurse again and she said to keep doing what we are doing and she scheduled us for a weight check in 2 weeks. Abigail is starting to drink between 15-20 ounces of juice a day now and is getting back to her happy self. She is even taking a few ounces of milk in the middle of the night, when she is too sleepy to know better. I am still concerned about her getting enough fat, but am so thankful for our new Dr. and nursing staff and their support.
Abigail having fun in Daddy's truck. She gets a little dirty, but it's so much fun!

 With Abigail being less fussy and being more her playful self she has taken her first step! Just yesterday the kids and I were doing our morning Bible time and Abigail, from sitting, pushed herself up to standing and took one step/lunge for me. She thought it was the funnest thing ever. I wouldn't say she is fully walking as her walking is more moving her feet quickly as she falls to Mommy and Daddy. I will work on getting pictures of it to post next week.
Snuggling with Daddy watching 4wheeling videos.

 Like I said earlier Dave had a business trip last week. The kids missed him terribly so Saturday morning they all enjoyed snuggling with Daddy while they watched some t.v. Saturday we also went to Walmart to spend a gift card Davey had from his b-day. Dave thought it would be a great idea to get him another nerf gun and extra ammo. Davey's first gun his friend Gabe from Fernley gave him and is one of his favorite toys. Well, I should have known, Dave was also thinking of the battles he could have with Davey. When we got home the boys fully enjoyed shooting each other. We are still finding little nerf bullets all over the house.
Davey's new gun. Not sure if the safety glasses came before or after someone got shot in the eye.
Shooting Daddy!