Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Look Who's 2

Big kids enjoying the play mat with Boaz
Lunch Time!
Abigail still likes to climb in bed with sister
Just last week Abigail celebrated her 2nd birthday! We tried to make a big deal about it and how she is now 2. We had breakfast with Daddy on her birthday where we practiced over and over how to say two. Later that morning the kids and I went to MOPS. When the kids told people it was Abigail's birthday they asked Abby how old she was and she says "four" holding up all fingers on one hand. Even this week at the Dr. she told him she was four. Oh well, she really does want to be older like her big brother and sister.
Birthday girl at Steak n Shake for her birthday dinner.
Birthday Dessert!
 We were planing on going to the zoo to celebrate Abby's birthday, but it was pouring rain all day. We ended up just having a giant birthday cookie that she helped make and opening presents on her birthday. We are still planning on going to the zoo this weekend. All the kids enjoyed opening presents and have enjoyed playing with Abigail's presents. Every present Abby opened she insisted on wearing, shoes, jewelry, helmet, princess wand . . . She didn't even want to take the time to eat her birthday cookie. She was having too much fun riding her new scooter (she calls it her bike) around the house. Abby was so excited that she could ride it all by herself with no help.
Too busy to eat her birthday cookie and ice cream.
Have to wear everything at once!
 The next day the rain had cleared up so the kids got to ride their bikes and scooter outside. Then we all went and enjoyed a nice walk by the river. It was a very fun weekend and it is still hard to believe my little girl is already 2!
Family walk
Sweet Boaz!
Playing dress up. They both love these heeled shoes! Abby likes the way they click on the hardwood floor.
Not sure what happened to her pants, but you have to check out the shirt "I love Long hugs". I have to say the Long side of the family gives good hugs :)
Mommy and Boaz matching in camo
Starting to try and roll over. Wont be too much longer.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Enjoying Life

Helping Daddy do our taxes.
 We have had a good two weeks since I wrote last. Not a whole lot has been going on, we have just been enjoying life as a family of 6. Last weekend Dave put Cassia's bed together and also secured the wood planks on Davey's bed. The kids had a great time riding their bikes while Dave worked and then they helped him bring the beds into the house. 
Cassia bringing in the wood for her bed.
Putting Davey's bed together.
Cassia's turn. Putting her bed together.
What a big strong helper.
Finally finished. 
Dog Pile!!
 Boaz has still been dealing with congestion from the cold we all had earlier. Thankfully I think he is, for the most part, all better. So, this weekend we got his bed all put together and he is going to be sleeping in his crib, in the boys room, for the first time tonight. I will let you know how that goes. I have also been trying to be better about tummy time. He is starting to really enjoy playing on the ground and being close to the other kiddos, but the minute I put him on his tummy he is not happy.
Sweet Boaz enjoying his bed.
Both pictures were so cute I couldn't pick just one.
Tummy Time!! 
Mommy finally flipped him back over.
 Abigail is such a pretty princess. She loves wearing dresses and putting her jewelry on. She also loves shoes! Well, the other morning the kids were doing their chores and I was cleaning the kitchen. I realized it had been awhile since I heard Abigail. I asked Cassia if she knew what Abby was up to she said she was in my room. I went back there and saw Abigail holding my makeup bag with lipstick all over her mouth. I asked her what she was doing and she said "Mommy, pity". She is just so adorable I couldn't get mad at her so we put it away, cleaned her up and talked about Mommy's things are not for Abby. 
Pretty Abigail
 Abby still loves going in Cassia's bed at nap time. The other day I went in to make sure they were asleep for nap and I couldn't find Abby. She wasn't in her bed or playing. Then Cassia lifted her covers and Abby was laying in Cassia's bed completely covered by the blanket.
 Cassia loves her new bed. Once we got it all set up we also reorganized her room so everything could fit. Ever since then she has been doing really well with keeping her room clean and making her bed, which used to always be such a fight with her to clean. She even likes making Abigail's bed for her. Cassia also likes to be a pretty princess. Abigail got some dress up jewelry for Christmas that Cassia loves wearing. One of her favorite things to do lately has been to work on puzzles. She and Davey both got some for Christmas and I have been impressed with how well they are able to do the puzzles.
The girls room all organized.
Pretty Cassia
 Davey is still loving our school time. The other day we started working on writing as well as reading. I worked with him on how to hold a pencil. Since he is a lefty it took a little bit of thinking on my part to figure out how to show him how to hold the pencil. Davey is in a phase where he loves to play puppy. He goes about his chores in the morning on all fours and woofing. Cassia and Abigail play the good mommies and takes care of the puppy.
My Boys!
Boaz was starting to get fussy so Davey put teddy on Bo to help him feel better.
This is for you Grandpa!
 He only got to wear it once because he is getting too big. We couldn't even button the cuffs because his wrists are too chubby!