Family Picture

Family Picture

Friday, April 15, 2011

Weighing In

The family with Uncle Laddie and Aunt Faye.

 Last weekend we got the chance to go visit my Great Aunt Faye and Great Uncle Laddie. It was such a good visit and a well needed vacation for all of us. My parents were also there visiting so it was an added bonus that we all enjoyed. I didn't see much of Davey and Cassia all weekend as they were having tons of fun with Grandma and Papa going on walks and staying over in their hotel room. Abigail had a great time playing high-5 and giggling with Uncle Laddie.
Out on a walk with Grandma and Papa.

All 3 lined up to be tickled by Papa.At first it was just Davey and Cassia, but Abigail wanted in too.

Abigail loved the knob on the fan chain and was relentless about being able to touch it.

 On Tuesday I finally got the call with Abigail's test results. Everything came back negative! Praise God! We are in the clear and done with the whole UTI business. Thank you all so much for your prayers in the whole ordeal. We are still giving Abigail the iron supplement as her iron levels are getting better, but still low. The Dr. is keeping her on the iron until her 15month well check next month. Then we will do another blood test and see how her levels are.
 Abigail is just sprouting like crazy. I don't know if it is just because she is standing most of the time now, but she just seems taller. Dave decided to get the scale out last night because he is anxious to switch her to a forward facing car seat. We weighed her 3 different times - once with Dave, once with me, and once by herself. Each time she weighed 19lbs. Dave thinks that is close enough to 20, we will see. Once Abigail is heavy enough to be forward facing she will be getting Davey's car seat and Davey is going to be moving up to a booster seat. When we weighed Davey he weighed in at 39lbs. Most boosters have a minimum weight of 35 or 40lbs so he is ready. I have a feeling we are going to be going shopping for a booster seat this weekend. Well, we couldn't weigh Abigail and Davey and not Cassia. Cassia is such a light weight and weighed in at 26lbs. I am pretty sure at her 2 yr appointment she weighed 25lbs. So in a whole year she has only gained 1lb. I think there is a good chance Abigail is going to be passing her up sooner rather than later.
 Abigail is loving walking everywhere. She loves that she can keep up with Davey and Cassia where ever they are. At the kids soccer practice Abigail had a great time walking to the line of the soccer field and back to me. We were late getting out the door so I just brought Abigail's sandals with me. Even being barefoot in the grass didn't bother her or slow her down a bit. Only once did I have to run and catch her as she spotted Davey and went full speed for him.
 Earlier this week the kids and I were talking about the baby in Mommy's belly. Davey told me he is really wishing for a boy. That if it turns out to be a girl he will have 3 sisters! He will be the only boy and will be lonely. I told him to pray about it, that God hears his prayers. He nodded, but didn't seem too convinced. He then told me what he really needs is a wishbone. Then he could wish for a boy and it would come true.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Testing and Soccer

Finally made it 4 wheeling! Abby even got to be forward facing for the adventure.
The kids were all so excited to be in the Jimmy.
Sorry it has been so long since I have written. I always plan on doing it at night once the kids are in bed. Well, my lovely morning sickness does start in the morning and progressively gets worse as the day goes on. By the time the kids are in bed the only thing I can do is lay on the couch. We had our first ultrasound last week. Dave is a little disappointed that there is only one baby in there. But it is doing great. Had a great heartbeat and is measuring exactly what we had thought. So our due date is 11-8-11, which puts me at 8 weeks along. I saw the Dr. yesterday as well and he is going to call in a prescription for the nausea. I am excited and hope it works.
Couldn't resist sharing this pic. Abigail loves blackberries and had a fun time painting as well.
 Abigail had a rough day on Wednesday. Her urine test from last week came back clear so we had all her testing done on Wednesday. She first had an ultrasound of her bladder and kidneys. She did well and for the most part laid there happily as Mommy sang "Patty Cake Patty Cake" over and over... Then came the rough part. We went over to another room to do the catheter test that I before didn't really understand. The test required a catheter to inject fluid into her bladder then they did a radiological scan to watch the fluid to make sure it flows right and there isn't a physical problem that caused the UTI. Well, since I am pregnant it isn't safe for me to be present during the scan. I was there to strap her down; arms strapped above her head. Then I had to leave. I waited and prayed in a sitting room right next to Abby and could hear her screaming the whole 15-20 min. of the procedure. Needless to say it was traumatic for both of us and we are so glad it is over. We haven't gotten the results yet, but pray they are all clear and we can be done with all of this. Abigail is back to her spunky self. She isn't happy being laid down to be changed, but isn't fighting it as much any more. It still brings tears to my eyes that Abigail had to go through the test without me and how scary that must have been for her. But I know without a doubt that God had her in His Hands the whole time and gave her the love and comfort I couldn't.

 On a happy note Abigail is a walking little girl! For about a month now she would take a few steps get excited and fall. Yesterday Dave was working with her and she did her normal walking and falling. She was just so cute and so giggly we didn't pick her up right away as we were laughing with her. Abigail just looked at us pushed herself up to standing and walked some more. She has been able to push herself up to standing for about a month now, but hadn't ever put the two together. The rest of the afternoon she walked between the couches so excited and proud of herself that when she fell she could get up and keep going.

 Davey and Cassia had their first soccer game last Saturday. They both had a lot of fun. Davey had so much confidence and was determined to get a goal. He stayed with the ball and kicked it quite a bit, but he still struggled a little getting in the middle of the crowd of kids to take the ball. However, he had no problem taking the ball away from Cassia. They take turns for which child gets to kick the ball when it goes out of bounds. It was Cassia's turn, but brother got to the ball and kicked it before Cassia had a chance. Cassia on the other hand had fun, but didn't fully understand it all. She didn't always know where the ball was and didn't realize it was probably with the crowd of kids. They both played hard and had fun, so we celebrated by going to McDonalds and getting ice cream.