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Family Picture

Saturday, September 7, 2013

School's Started

 We have just completed our second week of school and everyone seems to be adjusting well to the school routine. I was very nervous about how we would get to school on time when day to day I didn't know if Elah would be needing to nurse when it was time to go. It has all been working out great and Elah has only screamed once coming home from school because she was ready to eat. We are definitely a sight to see walking to and from school. I carry Elah on me in my wrap, push Bo and Abby in our double stroller and then Davey and Cassia normally run ahead excitedly.
First Day of School!
 I cried seeing how big they both look and are.
 Davey is enjoying 1st grade. On the first day of school he was excited to tell me that his "desk has a cubby underneath it!" It is his first time having a real desk. The first week of school Davey was so proud that he was the "Brilliant Brave," which is their student of the week. He and a friend of his choice got to have lunch on the stage. Instead of picking one of his best friends he picked a new girl in his class because she hadn't ever gotten to eat on the stage. Davey has been waking up at 6:30 on his own the past few days. It turned out to be a good thing yesterday. I accidentally slept in after it being a hard night with Elah. When I came out of my room I found Davey in the kitchen dressed and shoes on, half way done making his lunch. He proceeded to make his whole lunch while I got breakfast ready. 
 Cassia absolutely loves being in kindergarten. We are all excited that she has the same teacher Davey had last year. Her favorite part of school right now is art class. She loves getting to paint and do crafts. The first day of school she came home telling me she has a best friend. It turns out it is a boy. The end of the first week of school I got a chance to briefly talk to Cassia's teacher, who told me she is doing great in school and that she has become great friends with this boy and that they hold hands all the time. Honestly, this kind of freaked me out a bit. I knew it was a very innocent thing, but still felt like we needed to talk about it. Last night Cassia and I went out to ice cream and I asked her why she liked to hold this boy's hand. She said she didn't know, but she knew why he likes to hold her hand, "because his hands are always cold and mine are warm". I love how innocent she still is, but can see my baby girl isn't so much of a baby anymore. Dave just thinks it is time to buy a shotgun. 
Nap Time!
 I have found Boaz sleeping perpendicular in his bed with his feet on the wall, on the floor, and even in Davey's bed wearing Davey's baseball hat.
 I have been enjoying my mornings with the 3 younger kiddos. We move a little slower and I don't push to do lots of chores. We just enjoy our time and do the chores together. Boaz loves to help wipe down the table with me and even enjoys scrubbing the toilet. Abigail has really taken to being the oldest in the mornings. She sits with Boaz eating his breakfast while I nurse Elah. Then Abby plays with Elah while I get Boaz dressed. She brings me my nursing pillow when it is time to feed Elah. She tells me she will be brave and get it from my room without the light on, since she can't reach the light switch.
Helping mommy make biscuits.
My fairy princess Abby making biscuits.
Boaz not only got flour on his nose, but all over his shorts too!
Play time with Elah!
 Elah had her 2 month well check this last Thursday. She is 11 lbs 7oz and 23 inches long, both being in the 50th-75th percentile. The bad news is the Dr. suspects she has thrush, so we both need to be on medicine to get it all cleared up. Other than that she is perfectly healthy, growing great, and so adorable!
Daddy reading a bedtime story to his girls.
Labor Day weekend we decided to sight see Austin. Here we are enjoying swimming in a natural spring pool.
Me and my little Elah at the springs. The water was too cold for her to get in.