Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, June 2, 2013

May Fun

 May was a fun month with lots going on and things ending. Davey's T-ball season ended. Unfortunately, I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked. Getting the kids out the door on time was hard enough and I never remembered to bring the camera. Thanks to our good friends we got a couple pictures. Davey had a great season and it was neat to see he him improve so much. By the end of the season he was able to hit the ball into the outfield and got a handful of outs playing first base and pitcher. Many hits go straight to the pitcher position to then throw to first for an out. 
Davey and Hunter having fun in the dugout.
Cassia and Judah (Hunter's brother) watching the game. One of the few times she actually sat and watched  instead of running around playing.
Davey getting his trophy at closing ceremonies.
 For Mother's Day we went to a local state park and enjoyed hiking some trails. It was beautiful as we walked to some waterfalls and through some beautiful wildflowers. A wonderful day enjoying time as a family. I definitely felt so blessed and special to be a mother to 4 sweet kiddos and a little girl on the way.
 Speaking of that little girl on the way, we finally decided on a name. She will be named Elah Grace Dunham. Elah is pronounced just like Ella. It is from the Bible and is the valley where the story of David and Goliath takes place. The Brook of Elah is where David finds the 5 stones to fight. The Valley of Elah is where David trusts God to give him the ability to defeat the giant Goliath. 
A family picture from our hike. Here is a full belly shot to see little Elah is growing big.
Me and my sweet kiddos hiking for Mother's Day.
Another fun family picture!
 On May 22nd Dave and I celebrated our 9th anniversary. To celebrate we decided to take a mini family vacation at the beach over Memorial Day weekend. We stayed just between Port Aransas and Corpus Christi. We enjoyed one day in Port Aransas at the beach. Davey and Cassia enjoyed getting about waist deep, splashing and jumping in the waves. Abigail loved jumping through the water as it flowed up onto the beach and running from it. She would squeak and squeal with delight. Poor Boaz was not a fan. Dave and I both carried him as we enjoyed the water, but the minute his toes touched the water he would whimper and cry. However, he did really enjoy digging in the sand and playing with the sand toys.
 We enjoyed the next day in Corpus Christi at the USS Lexington. It is an aircraft carrier from World War II that has been turned into a museum. It was very interesting with planes on top and lots to see on the different decks. We were only able to see maybe half of the ship as it was a lot of walking and steep stairs for little Bo and Abby, and this pregnant mom too. That night Abby was complaining her legs hurt. Poor little girl, my body was so sore from all the walking I can only imagine how sore her's was as she walked the whole way as well. Made me realize what great kiddos we have. Not one of them complained of being tired or hot and little Boaz was starting to get crabby from being hungry, but still demanded to climb the stairs all by himself.
The family in front of the USS Lexington.
The kids enjoyed climbing all over the artillery.
Davey was able to move the gun up and down.
Cassia couldn't move it on her own, but still loved sitting up there.
On the top deck were lots of planes to enjoy.
Sitting in the plane and pushing buttons. Look at all that hair!
The last day of May was also Davey's last day of kindergarten. I still can't believe that his whole first year of school has already gone by. It has been a great year and Davey has learned so much. He is excited to start summer. I told him we would be doing some school work during summer and doing the summer reading program at the library. When we got home from school he was anxious to start doing some school work right away. 
Davey with his friends, Ryan and Jaydon.
Davey with his teacher Ms. Hewitt. We had such a great year and were so blessed with her as his teacher.