Family Picture

Family Picture

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Growing Up

Well, my computer is still down and so is my camera, but I thought you might enjoy hearing what is going on with the kiddos lately. On Sunday August 7th Cassia asked God into her heart. She has been asking for awhile now that she really really wanted Jesus in her heart. At kids club the youth did a great job in explaining what it means to accept Jesus into her heart. Cassia truly has that child-like faith and love for Jesus. That Sunday morning Dave and I talked with her about what it means to have Jesus in your heart and she said she wanted to do that. So Dave and Cassia prayed a beautiful prayer. Dave said a few words and Cassia repeated. As she prayed you could hear the truth and sincerity in her voice. I am tearing up right now remembering it. After saying "Amen" Cassia opened her eyes and had the biggest smile on her face and you could truly feel the difference in her in having the Holy Spirit come into her heart. I feel so blessed to have been able to be with her when she made the decision and prayed. This is the first time I have ever prayed with someone while they accepted Christ and it has left me in awe of how real and great our God is. And how real the transition is in having the Holy Spirit come into one's life. When we got to church that morning she was excited to tell everyone she could. Later in the week we made it out to the Christian bookstore and she got her first Bible. She picked a Precious Moments Bible and loves looking at the little pictures in it.

 That weekend  Davey made great progress in riding his bike. He is now able to go all by himself with no help from Daddy. They have even started riding around the block a couple times on the weekend. Dave takes the girls in the bike trailer and Davey rides his bike. He falls at times, but gets right up and starts riding again. The next hurdle is going to be going down hills. This morning Dave tried to get him to go down a little hill and it was a total meltdown. Later when he was telling me about his bike ride and the scary hill I asked if he would try it next time. He said he probably could.
 Abigail just had her 18 month check up on Friday and we have lots of good news! Abigail is finally over 20 pounds. She weighed in at 20lbs 2oz. She also is just about on the growth chart at the 5%. She grew a lot too moving up to the 50% for height. For the first time since she was 4 months old she doesn't need to go back in a month for a weight check.  Abigail is also getting a lot more words and communicating with us very well. This morning we were getting ready for church and she brought her red dress shoes so excited to wear them. Unfortunately they really did not go with her dress. Dave got her flip flops and she threw the biggest fit over having to wear them. Normally she loves getting her flip flops and wearing them, but she was adamant in wanting her pretty shoes. We finally compromised on some new tennis shoes that were neutral and she hasn't worn them much. We have also had quite the time with weaning her from her pacifier. We threw all, but one away and then have been cutting the tip down a little each night. It is down to where she can't suck on it anymore, but still insists on holding it as she falls asleep. Unfortunately earlier this week she was playing with her baby, putting her to sleep in their pretend nursery. Abigail laid her baby down, put the blanket on her, and gave the baby her pacifier. That is the last we have seen it. It has been lost ever since. Naps and night time have been rough falling asleep. Yesterday nap was the first time she went right to sleep with out asking for her "fire" and screaming herself to sleep. Thankfully we are just about to the end of the pacifier saga.
 Dave is just about to leave on a business trip to New York for a couple of days. I don't have time to upload the video of Cassia telling everyone she has God in her heart or some pictures we have taken on Dave's phone. So, later this week I will work on posting pics of the kids.