Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, August 30, 2012

1st Week of Kindergarten

 What a week! We have almost made it through the first week of Kindergarten. It has definitely been an adjustment and we are still trying to get into the routine. Thank goodness we have a 3 day weekend to catch up on sleep.
1st day of kindergarten!
In front of Davey's class. He is so excited to start his day!
 On Monday Dave went to work a little late and stayed home with the kids, while I walked to school with Davey. We took the infamous 1st day of school picture and made sure we waved good bye to Cassia and Abby who were looking out the kitchen window. The 5 minute walk to school we reviewed his teacher's name, his classroom number, and Dave's phone number. Davey had them all down by the time we got to school. In his classroom he gave me a hug and kiss and excitedly went to his table ready to start the day. I on the other had a little harder time with it all. Walking out of his classroom leaving him behind was so hard. I had to mentally yell at myself to keep walking away. Once home I cried and squeezed my other little ones. Now that we are at the end of the week I still have to tell myself to walk away after I drop him off, I still miss him all morning, and still hug the other kiddos a little tighter and a little longer. I know Davey is safe in God's hands at school, I am excited for him making new friends and learning new things, and I am excited for this next phase in his life. Even so I have an aching in my heart as I grieve the preschool stage we just abruptly left.
Picking Davey up after school. He was full of smiles and stories to share of his first day!
Me and my sweet kiddos at the school.
 Everyday when we pick Davey up he excitedly tells us the many things he did at school. He loves doing calendar each day and has been singing the calendar song to the girls. Each day he has been practicing using his scissors in class. It has been a little tricky since he is left handed. I didn't see any left handed scissors when we got his school supplies so I assumed kids scissors were all the same for left and right handers. He just told me yesterday that he cried Monday because he couldn't use his scissors well. He is my little perfectionist. I am going on a hunt tomorrow to find left handed scissors for him. Davey has also really enjoyed recess time when he gets to play with two of his friends from church that are in another kindergarten class.
After school Davey wanted to take a nap in the living room to still be close to all of us. The girls then wanted to take a "nap" too.
Even though brother is gone we still have lots of fun together. Sweet Abigail loves her necklaces!
Abigail has been in a cooking phase. She loves making meals for all of us and all her babies.
 To make our week a little harder poor Cassia has been dealing with a fire ant bite that swelled to the size of a grape. It is on the bottom of her foot and made it so she couldn't walk well or very much at one time, which made it a little hard to walk to and from school everyday. We have gotten very good at fitting all three of the younger ones on our double stroller. Cassia actually got bit 2 weeks ago and ended up scratching it too much. Last Friday we went to the Dr. and he gave us some antibiotics and said if it was hurting we could sterilize a sewing needle and use it to drain the bite. Poor Cassia was in a lot of pain and really struggled sleeping since it was so painful. After a few attempts we did get it drained and even though it is not gone yet she is able to walk normal again and is back to her energetic self.
All 3 kiddos on the stroller going to pick brother up from school.
Cassia and her horrible ant bite
Close up of the ant bite. She has definitely learned not to scratch her  bug bites. Poor girl asked me why God made fire ants!
This week was also the start of T-Ball.
Learning good form in throwing.
Practice at the batting cages.
This week Boaz has really gotten good at crawling. The week started off with him stretching and squirming to get to things he really wants. Today is the first day he is really crawling on hands and knees, and traveling really well!
Boaz learning to crawl. He really wants Abigail's jewelry box.

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Our Team - Dave, Bo, Jess, Josh
We have been back from our trip to Peru for two weeks now and are slowly getting back into our daily routine. We had a great trip and met lots of wonderful people down in Tacna, Peru. Here are some pictures and highlights from our trip.
Had an overnight layover in Lima. So first day in Peru we are at the beach!
Just off the plane in Tacna waiting for our ride.
Sunday morning at New Jerusalem church. One of the 3 churches the missionary, Brian, works with.
Assortment of Peruvian dishes to enjoy for lunch. It includes guinea pig, ceviche, stuffed pepper, and I think there was some fried octopus as well.
The arch in the middle of Tacna.
 For our week in Tacna we were able to help with a handful of projects, visit, and get to know many people there. We helped landscape one of the churches, fixed a grandma's roof, moved dirt for the construction of a health center, made all natural cleaners, played soccer, did Zumba, and had the opportunity to be apart of a couple prayer meetings. Through all these things the moments that stick out to me the most were the times I got to talk and get to know the different people there. Not knowing much Spanish it made it a little difficult, but Boaz was always a great conversation starter as well as my picture of Davey, Cassia, and Abigail. Through my kids I was able to make relationships with people that will stay in my heart forever. Kids truly are a blessing that can bring joy in all circumstances and bring people from different cultures together.
 Boaz definitely had a mission and a purpose on our trip. All the women and children loved seeing Boaz and holding him. His smile and love is infectious. They loved his super thin blonde hair and big eyes. I did pick up on a little Spanish and the phrase I heard the most was "Ohh que lindo" which means "Oh what a beautiful baby". Not only did I learn it, but Boaz did too. He got very used to the attention, and in the airport on the way home we were talking with our pastor Josh about how much the ladies loved Bo. As Josh said the phrase "que liendo" Boaz turned his head to Josh the same way he would if someone was calling his name. Boaz blessed the people in Tacna, but he also blessed us and our travel as well. Because we were traveling with an infant we got to go to the beginning of every line; checking in, security check, customs. . .
Boaz riding around Peruvian style with Grandma Julia while the guys fixed her roof.
Boaz with Maria at the New City church.
Taking a nap while driving. Also sporting the nice beanie little Matthew gave him.
When Boaz did go in a car seat he enjoyed facing forward. It was rough coming back home and needing to be strapped in a car seat facing backwards again.
Dave fixing Grandma Julia's roof with Alex.
Boaz, Jess, Chiqui (Brian's wife), and Tiana. I truly enjoyed the time I got to spend visiting with Chiqui, getting to know her and her beautiful family.  She was a great hostess and always made me feel so welcome there.
Josh, Brian, Steve. Brian and Steve are both missionaries in Tacna and good friends of Josh's when they all lived in California.
Tiana, Matthew, and Boaz having playtime.Tiana is 6 months old and the same size if not bigger than Bo who is 9 months old.
Future site of the health center right next to New Jerusalem church.
Shoveling and moving dirt at the site where they are planning on building a health center.
Main entrance for New City church before landscaping.
After landscaping. There are different plants and bushes along the wall with the beautiful grass  the guys picked up while getting the ladder. Along another side of the building not in this picture they planted more beautiful plants too.
 One of my favorite stories from the trip is about a ladder we brought down for the missionary in Tacna since he was unable to get it shipped. Dave and I decided to check it in since we were allowed an extra checked bag due to Boaz. As we were checking in our bags and the ladder, the ticket agent got someone to take the ladder to the plane since it was over-sized and wouldn't fit on the conveyor belt. The ladder was taken before we had finished checking all the luggage in. When the agent got us checked in and it was time to pay for the over-sized luggage (ladder) the agent found out there is an embargo agreement restricting us from bringing the ladder. However, the ladder had already been taken and would be near impossible to get it back to us. The agents brainstormed and labeled it a bicycle and we were on our way. If we hadn't had a ticket agent that didn't know about the embargo and if the ladder hadn't been picked up so quickly we never would have gotten it on the plane. Our flight went to Lima, Peru where we spent the night before catching our next flight down to Tacna, Peru. The next day when we checked in for our flight to Tacna the ticket agent told us she couldn't check in the ladder that we would have to go to a shipping company just out side the airport. With the language barrier all we knew was we had to take the ladder to a company just out the door to the left. We went out the door and didn't see it anywhere and continued walking. We were approached by a man wanting to help carry our luggage. We said no we were looking for the shipping company. He then took the ladder on his shoulder and lead us through a barred gate, down a few back alleys and to the shipping company. There is no way we would have found it without him. Once at the shipping company we found out the ladder couldn't come on our flight and we would have to pick it up later that night. In Tacna, we went back to the airport quite a few times to pick up the ladder and it was a few days later before it arrived. Amazingly, when the guys went to get the ladder, city workers just happened to be cutting out some grass sod, which they let the guys take. The grass worked perfectly for the church we were helping landscape. They had planned to get seed and do their best to get grass to grow in the dessert and sandy climate. God used many different people to not only provide a way for the ladder to get down to the missionary, but God also provided grass for the church in the process. In the moment all these issues seemed a hassle and frustration, but God's timing is perfect and he provides abundantly! "Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? . . .  for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:28-33
The ladder! 
The grass they picked up on the side of the road when getting the ladder. You can see it completely filled the back of the van.
On our flight home we got a kick out of the rule that  Boaz needed to be buckled. Kids don't need to be buckled in a car, but do need to be on an airplane :)