Family Picture

Family Picture

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Wheeling and Dance Class

Sorry I don't have much time to write, but I wanted to share some photos from the last few weeks. They aren't in any specific order since I don't have time to go through them. Right now I am frantically packing for our trip to Disneyland!! We leave tomorrow so when I get back I will be sure to update with fun pictures.
Abigail helping me clean the floors. Her favorite thing right now is to use the spray bottle and clean any and everything.
Abigail loves showing off her muscles and I love her face when she does. This picture doesn't do it justice. You will have to see it in person. It will instantly make you laugh.
Handsome Boaz on the way to church.
Boaz loved gnawing on a carrot at dinner the other night.
He also loves sucking on his big toe.
Cassia just started dance at YMCA. This is her doing a curtsy.
Cassia's first day at dance. 
Cassia's dance teacher is my close friend. While we were watching she invited Davey and Abigail to join in the fun.
Last weekend we went 4wheeling. Here is Dave and Cassia in our friend's dune buggy.

Cassia driving the Jimmy. She was concentrating so hard, but I really don't think she could see  the road over the  steering wheel.
Dave wheeling the Jimmy up a waterfall.
Davey riding in the dune buggy.
Boaz and I about to go wheeling. 
Boaz helping Daddy get the Jimmy ready for wheeling.
When Cassia was riding in the dune buggy with Dave we were driving up a creek. The creek ended up getting pretty deep and they were under water. Cassia's hands are showing you how high the water went. She has a mud line, but you can't really see it in the pic. She was so proud going through it and later told me she held her breath just like Daddy said to. I don't think she realized she needed to hold her breath in case the water went above her head.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Family Fun Days

Family picture on the way to the farm.

At the park after our bike ride. Boaz is already bugging sister, pulling her hair.
 On Palm Sunday we enjoyed a family bike ride. We weren't sure how Cassia was going to do on her new bike from her birthday, so we decided to do short ride over to our neighborhood park. I rode my bike just behind Davey and Dave rode just behind Cassia with Boaz and Abigail in the trailer. I was so impressed with Davey and how good he is on the bike now. I got quite a workout just trying to keep up with him. Cassia did great too and I am so proud of her determination. With training wheels her bike can be a little tippy and when she pedals she leans to the left. Well, when she goes around a turn too sharp or too fast she does a superman over the handle bars. She did this not once, but 3 times. Each time she cried a little, but was always ready to get back on and ride some more without having to talk her into it. Boaz and Abby enjoyed the ride in the trailer. However, Bo is still a little small for the straps and only enjoyed it when he was moving.
Big Kiddos on their Bikes!
Little kiddos in the trailer.
Poor Boaz isn't so sure about it all. The towel was around  his head keeping the straps and his head in place, but he had too much fun chewing on the towel that it came out.
Sweet Abby!
 We had a 3 day weekend over Easter filled with good family time. On Friday we went strawberry picking at a nearby farm. We didn't even make it all the way down one isle of strawberries and had to call it quits as we were getting more strawberries than we needed. Davey was determined to find the biggest brightest red strawberries, and Abigail was picking any and every strawberry squishing them in the process. After picking there was a bounce pad for the kids to jump on. Davey and Cassia had a blast, but poor Abby couldn't get on top of the pad because she kept getting bounced off.
Picking Strawberries!!
Each showing their favorite strawberry.
Who knew jumping could be so much fun.
 On Saturday our church put on an Easter Egg hunt at a local school. There were bounce houses, tattoos, snow cones, and an egg hunt. Lots of fun and lots of sugar for all the kids. Later that day I made strawberry pie with the strawberries we picked and we got to enjoy it that night.
Abigail always seizes the opportunity to dog pile!
More fun jumping!
 On Easter Sunday we went to the park to launch rockets, thanks Nana! All the kids had a blast. It was the perfect toy that all the kids could do, even Dave. The squeals from Abigail were just precious. We finished the day off with going out to dinner. 
Getting ready to launch the rockets.
Blast Off!
Sweet smiling Boaz.
His new favorite spot to sit and watch everyone.