Family Picture

Family Picture

Monday, September 12, 2011

We Have A Name!

Well, I am sure you can guess that my computer is still out of commission. I am sorry this summer the posts have been so sporadic. I have enjoyed not having a computer during the day so that I don't get so distracted with Facebook or surfing on the internet, but on the down side I feel it is an easy excuse to become lazy with staying in touch with people.
 Our biggest news right now is that we have come up with a name for the baby, Boaz Jon Dunham. We have had a little roller coaster of emotions lately with Boaz, but he is doing great and looking really healthy. About 2 weeks ago I had a routine ultra sound with the high-risk doctor. I go regularly due to the medicine I am on. At that visit the Dr. found that I have too much amniotic fluid. She went through all the measurements again and told me a whole list of things that can be wrong with baby or me due to having too much fluid. She ruled out most of the major issues since Boaz's heart, stomach, and kidney's all look strong and healthy. At the end she told me it could be due to gestational diabetes (which I don't have) or a birth defect that they can't see on the ultra sound like a cleft pallet. I left knowing Boaz is in God's hands and He is forming Boaz into who he is to become "fearfully and wonderfully made", but still had that worry of what if. When I went to my regular OB doctor he told me my fluid levels were a little high, but not by much. Everything else is normal including the size of my belly right now, he is willing to bet there is nothing wrong at all. I went this last Tuesday back to the high-risk doctor for another ultra-sound to check the fluid levels and Boaz. My fluid levels are at the same level, even though they are high, it is a good sign they haven't increased. Again Boaz and all the measurements look really good and he is a strong healthy boy measuring at 4lbs 1oz right now. I will go again in 3 weeks for another ultra-sound to keep an eye on everything.
The Herron kids and Dunham kids after a fun weekend together.
 Last weekend we had the joy of going out to visit our friends the Herrons in New Mexico. It was a long drive, but so worth it. The kids did so much better than I was expecting on the car ride and we made it there and back with relatively little headaches. We haven't had a chance to visit the Herrons since we moved from Fernley a little less than 2 years ago. It was so nice to escape the hot humid weather here and enjoy the crisp mornings and afternoon rain at their house. The kids had so much fun playing with their old friends. Cassia really enjoyed playing with their 2 girls. There aren't too many girls here for Cassia to play with so it was neat for her to have girl friends, even though they are older, to play with and look up to. Davey enjoyed playing trains and cars with Colin who is about a year older than him. He also really liked getting to watch the different tv shows that they have. One of the evenings after the afternoon rain Dave enjoyed going out 4 wheeling with Robert and a few of the kids. Davey came back with all sorts of stories from their time including telling me that "Daddy got your car REALLY dirty".
Davey and Colin during the 4 wheeling trip.
While 4 wheeling they found a cave to explore.
 Abigail is doing well, but sure is a handful. I think I have done more praying for her and how to parent her than I have for the other two combined. Abigail is a sweet girl, but demands everything her way. When she doesn't get the toy or attention she wants she screams, hits, and head-butts anyone within range. We have done many timeouts and lots of talks. Slowly she is starting to learn to say please when she wants something not just start screaming. Having Abby look up at you with those big eyes and say "peezz" is so adorable! It is a daily battle of being consistent with discipline and being aware of my reactions to her. Even though her tantrums can get trying I do love how strong her personality is and how passionate she is about things. I pray that Dave and I can train her effectively so that her strength in personality can be something that drives her to do great things rather than a hindrance to her and those around her.